Ruth Todd

Senior Physiotherapist/Director

Ruth graduated in 1987 from Sydney University and has gained a wide range of experience across the areas of Rehabilitation, Women’s Health and Continence therapy, Breast Cancer Rehab and Paediatrics. More recently Ruth has pursued a special interest in dance injury management and prevention.

Ruth provides a clinical leadership role in the areas of Paediatrics, Women’s  and Men’s Health and Continence, Pregnancy care, Antenatal and Postnatal recovery and Dance Injury management.
She has a special interest working with  Pre and Post prostate cancer rehab including bladder training, pre and post natal care, Pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle sydrome and other chronic pelvic pain including conditions such as Endometriosis. Pudendal neuralgia and Osteitis Pubis.

Additionally, Ruth has completed several Breast cancer therapy courses including the Pink & Steel Accreditation.

In addition to her membership of the Australian Physiotherapy Association, Ruth has been a member of the Continence Foundation of Australia for the past 25 years.


Ruth is available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and every second Saturday.


  • Member APA
  • Member CFA


  • B.App.Sc. (Phty)


  • Continence and Pelvic Health Men and Women
  • Cancer Rehab
  • Paediatrics
  • Dance